Mesotherapy Treatments


Mesotherapy is a non-surgical technique that uses injections of antioxidants, vitamins, skin brightening agents, and plant extracts to tighten as well as rejuvenate, brighten and tighten the skin. It can also be used to remove excess fat by giving fat-melting injections at the particular site. It helps make the dull skin get bright and dewy in no time. Nowadays mesotherapy can also be carried out with certain machines which help in deeper penetration of products and hence help in getting brighter tighter rejuvenated skin.

Mesotherapy helps in: –

  • Cellulite Reduction
  • Wrinkle And Line Reduction (Mesobotox )
  • Skin Tightening (Mesobotox)
  • Body Recontouring
  • Skin Lightening
  • Treating Alopecia And Hair Loss
  • Adding Glow To The Skin
  • Skin Hydration (Skin Booster Injections)
  • Pigment Reduction
  • Treating Dry Skin

Purpose Of Mesotherapy 

Mesotherapy can instantly improve dull, tired-looking skin and superficial wrinkles but can also help to improve sluggish blood circulation, aiding the body to flush out ageing toxins. This treatment can also be used to address hyperpigmentation, treat acne, and ‘lit-from-within’ skin glow. Mesotherapy vitamin cocktails can stimulate the fibroblast cell in the skin to produce more collagen to combat the signs of ageing. Amongst the list of skin-friendly plant ingredients injected are vitamins, growth factors, Hyaluronic acid, peptides, antioxidants and trace elements that provide the ideal environment for healthy skin that copes with the ageing process better.

Procedure Of Mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is a non-surgical injection technique that involves giving multiple injections to the skin or hair to deliver micro amounts of a mix of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, growth factors, peptides, antioxidants, and trace elements essential to the dermis or epidermis layer of the skin.

Time Taken For Mesotherapy

 The duration of treatment may change between 20 to 45 minutes according to the size of mesotherapy area.

No Of Sessions Required For Mesotherapy

It requires a number of mesotherapy sessions to get the kind of look one desires. Some people might require around 4-14 sessions with a therapist with a gap of 6-9 days between each. If a patient responds to initial treatments, the sessions are repeated once in every two weeks or once a month.

Frequent Treatment Required For Mesotherapy

4 treatments are required at 2 to 3-week intervals.

What To Expect After Mesotherapy

After going through mesotherapy, you may undergo temporary nausea, pain, sensitivity, itching, redness, rashes, infection, scars, bruising, and dark patches of skin or bumps at the injection site.

Results After Mesotherapy

  • Removal Of Fat In Areas Like The Stomach, Thighs, Buttocks, Hips, Legs, Arms, And Face.
  • Reduce Cellulite.
  • Fade Wrinkles And Lines.
  • Tighten Loose Skin.
  • Recontour Of The Body.
  • Lighten Pigmented Skin.

Recovery Time After Mesotherapy

Because mesotherapy is noninvasive, there usually isn’t any downtime. Many people are able to return to their regular activities right away. Others may need to take a day off due to swelling and pain at the injection sites.