Meso Lipolysis


Mesotherapy involves a simple series of injections that help break down unwanted small localized areas of fat. This process of breaking down body fat is referred to as lipolysis. The injected medicines break down the fatty cells, which the body naturally flushes out later as waste. Mesotherapy can treat unwanted fat on the face, chin, neck, arms, waist, buttocks, thighs, and legs. It is also claimed that mesotherapy can treat wrinkles.

Purpose  Of Meso Lipolysis

This method of spot fat reduction by injecting solutions into the skin is incorporated in many name-recognized procedures. Some physicians add additional treatments to increase the effectiveness..

Areas treatable with injection-based lipolysis include:

  • Upper And Lower Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Upper Arms
  • Fat Bulges Below The Bra-Line
  • “Love Handles”
  • Saddlebags
  • Double Chin
  • Residual Fat Deposits Post-Liposuction

Procedure Of Meso Lipolysis 

During your treatment, the solution is injected directly into the fat layers and connective tissue. The injection is relatively painless though some patients prefer the use of numbing cream. The medication produces a chemical reaction in conjunction with the body’s physiology to harden the fat cell wall and begin a breakdown of localized areas of fat.

Time Required For Meso Lipolysis

This procedure takes around 30 minutes and requires no preparation or recovery time.

 No. Of Sessions Required For Meso Lipolysis

The number of sessions required varies from patient to patient, as it depends on the patient’s body. Some patients may see the results after one treatment session, for others it may take four to five sessions.

Frequent Treatment Required For Meso Lipolysis

The number of treatments required varies from patient to patient, as it depends on the patient’s body.

What To Expect After Meso Lipolysis

Short-term side effects from the injections are temporary and may include slight bruising, pain, and swelling which can be treated as needed.

Result After Meso Lipolysis

The injected medicines break down the fatty cells, which the body naturally flushes out later as waste. Mesotherapy can treat unwanted fat on the face, chin, neck, arms, waist, buttocks, thighs, and legs.

Recovery Time Of Meso Lipolysis

There is no downtime because there is no damage to the skin or tissue