







What Is Acne?

Acne is also known commonly as pimples and they can happen at any time between 15 and 65 years in a person’s life. This is one major reason why you should always look for the best acne treatment in Mumbai. In fact, among all skin-related issues and problems that happen to people at different points in their life, acne happens to be the commonest one. It happens mostly on your face but can also affect other parts of your body such as the back, arms, shoulders, buttocks, and chest. Some skin lesions are regarded by doctors as being proper proof that you are suffering from acne.
They may be enumerated as below:

  • Comedones
  • Nodules
  • Papules
  • Cysts
  • Pustules

Comedones are blocked pores. These are also referred to as blackheads and whiteheads. Papules are red and raised bumps. They can be rather painful. Pustules are small boils that are full of pus. Nodules are hard and red lumps that are located within your skin. They can be pretty painful as well. If you have ever seen any such lesions appearing on your skin the first thing to do would be to get checked by the best skin specialist in Mumbai for acne.

What Causes Acne?

As the best acne specialist in Mumbai would tell you, acne happens primarily because of an imbalance in your hormones. This hormonal imbalance leads to such unseemly changes to your skin. Our skins usually regenerate after a gap of 30 to 40 days. There are lots of sebaceous glands, which are small and located under our skin. These glands make the sebum or oil that makes sure that our skin is smooth and supple. This sebum comes to the surface thanks to the tiny pores or holes in our skin. It is through these pores that hair grows as well.

As the best dermatologist in Mumbai for acne would tell you, in your teenage years more sebum is produced than what happened during your childhood. This happens because of hormonal changes that happen when a human being hits puberty. These changes act as stimulants for the sebaceous glands. Now it is common knowledge that when your body makes more sebum than needed it also makes your skin greasy. This increases the chance of acne as well. In the case of some people, this rate of sebum production is higher than the others. The production of more sebum along with blockage of pores with dead cells or dirt and grime will lead to the development of blackheads and whiteheads. This medium is also responsible for the multiplication of bacteria Propionibacterium Acne responsible for acne production.

Who Can Have Acne?

Almost anyone can have acne and this means that they have to look for the best acne treatment in Andheri as well. It is also wrong to assume that any particular gender suffers more from this condition than the other one. Both women and men are equally vulnerable to the same. In the case of men, it has been seen that they are prone to severe forms of acne such as nodulocystic acne. Women tend to suffer more from the likes of inflammatory or hormonal acne. Acne can also be hereditary. This means that if someone in your immediate family has suffered from acne chances are that you would as well. In such cases, you would have no option but to look for the best acne treatment in Andheri West.

What Are The Different Kinds Of Acne?

There are different kinds of acne out there and as such an acne treatment specialist in Mumbai uses different methods to treat them as well. The various kinds of acne may be mentioned below:

  • Juvenile acne:- “The term juvenile acne signifies that it affects younger people. This is why such kind of acne is known as juvenile acne. It normally happens at the time of puberty.”
  • Adult acne:- “Adult acne is something that happens to older people. It primarily happens to people in the age group of 24 to 34 years.”
  • Infantile acne:- “Infantile acne is a variation that affects babies or infants.”
  • Hormonal acne:- “Hormonal acne is a kind of acne that is caused by the inherent hormonal imbalance of your system.”
  • Stress acne:- ” Stress acne happens when your Cortisol levels go up and disrupt your natural hormonal balance. “
  • Acne cosmetic:- ” Acne cosmetic happens when you use comedogenic and greasy cosmetic products frequently.”

No matter what kind of acne you have you should always look for the best acne treatment in Mumbai.


What Are The Different Grades Of Acne?

There are various grades of acne and this means that doctors use different kinds of acne scar treatments in Mumbai for each one of them. The four main grades of acne are

Grade 1 or comedonal acne,

Grade 2 or papular acne,

Grade 3 or pustular acne, and

Grade 4 or nodulocystic acne or acne conglobate. When most of your acne is in the shape of whiteheads (closed comedones) or blackheads (open comedones) it is referred to as comedonal acne. At times, Cutibacterium acnes may infect these blocked pores and they can become papules and pustules that cause inflammation.

If most of your acne is in the shape of papules or pustules it is known as papulopustular acne. In such cases, you have a few whiteheads and blackheads as well. If most of your acne is in the form of nodules it would be referred to as nodulocystic acne. With time, these nodules may become cysts, which are large and soft boils that cause plenty of pain and ooze blood and pus. Acneglobata happens to be the severest form of this particular condition. All the grades of acne are pretty serious and, as such, you need the best acne treatment in Mumbai. Sometimes acne can leave behind marks or scars for which you will need to consult the best acne scar treatment specialist in Mumbai

Which Factors Aggravate Acne?

The best dermatologist in Mumbai for acne would tell you that several factors can increase the risk of you getting acne. Those risk factors may be mentioned below:

  • stress
  • diet
  • improper skincare
  • irregularity in periods
  • workout supplements
  • lack of cleanliness in the scalp
  • certain medicines

In the case of a lot of people, it has been seen that when they are under maximum stress, they get more acne. If you eat food such as refined carbohydrates that have a higher glycemic index you become more vulnerable to acne.

If you use the wrong skincare products for your skin type you can be sure that you would get acne. In the case of women, who have a degree of imbalance of hormones as well as periods at irregular frequencies, acne is a rather common problem. If you have a skin prone to acne and consume workout supplements such as whey protein you may get acne as well. If your skin is vulnerable to acne you must clean your scalp or you would get acne. Medicines such as corticosteroids can cause acne as well. You can be sure that an acne scar treatment clinic in Andheri West would be able to help you the best in this regard.

How Can Acne Be Prevented?

The best way to prevent acne would be to get help from a doctor who specializes in acne treatment in Mumbai. However, there are some other ways that you can try yourself as well. They may be enumerated as below:

  • cleansing your face regularly
  • using the right makeup products
  • using the right skincare products
  • having the right diet
  • working out regularly

You should always clean your face at least two times a day with a cleanser that does not have SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), silicones, and parabens. You should also clean your skin after outdoor exposure and workouts.

In case you have no option but to use makeup you must use micellar water to double cleanse your skin. You should also buy the right skincare products. Always eat right. Working out regularly helps improve your metabolism and immunity thus balancing your hormones. Apart from these, you should also have the latest information on where you can get the best acne treatment in Mumbai.

What Is The Need For Treating Acne?

There are several reasons why you should visit the best skin specialist in Mumbai for acne. They can help you deal with the social and psychological impact of the condition. It has been seen that people – both children and adults – who suffer from acne have lower self-esteem. They could face problems such as peer pressure or they may be bullied as well. In the case of teenagers, acne has to be dealt with quickly and with empathy as well. They can get rid of the scars that are common after your acne has healed.

Acne scars are the pits left on your skin after the acne has gone away. The kind of scar on your skin depends on the grade of acne that you have suffered from. They are also capable of helping you with pigmentation issues that you may suffer from after your acne has healed. At times, acne also leaves behind brown spots after it has healed. The best way in which you can stop such a condition from happening is by not picking up or touching your acne. So, now you know why you need to visit an acne scar specialist in Mumbai.

What Are The Best Options That You Have For Treating Acne?

There are several ways in which the best dermatologist in Mumbai for acne scars can treat your condition. They are topical treatments, oral treatments, and cosmetic dermatology. In the case of topical treatment, doctors prescribe the likes of topical gels and creams. However, such a prescription is done based on how serious your acne issue is. They also help you avoid pigmentation and scars that are common following acne. Oral treatment is also used with the same intention.
At times, your doctor could also resort to clinical dermatology for acne scar treatment in Andheri. The main options, in this case, maybe mentioned below:

  • Chemical peels
  • Photodynamic therapy
  • Intra-lesional treatment
  • Jet peel
  • Comedone extraction
  • Microdermabrasion
  • LED therapy